So, after waiting for awhile, I again close the uploader, reopen it, drop all 1615 files in again. I'm using borrowed time on someone else's internet connection for this upload at their house so I can't just walk away and go about doing other things. A few hundred images later, it again shows two images stuck on the verifying step so it's going slower again.Uploads start going again, 3 at a time.Because doing one upload image at a time is signfiicantly slower than the usual three at a time, I close the uploader again, reopen it, drop all 1615 files in again.I wait and wait and they never proceed on beyond that step. After another few hundred files, I notice that two uploading images (it seems to normally like to do 3 at a time) are permanently stuck on the "verifying." step that normally happens at the end of each image upload. Reopen the uploader, redrop all 1615 files into the uploader figuring that duplicate protection is on so it should be OK.The downloader does not appear to recover, even when the internet connection has been restored as it appears to still be trying to upload several images and they aren't going anywhere.Power is down about 3-4 minutes and then comes back on.I'm using my laptop so the computer is not affected by the power outage, but the internet connection goes down. After several hundred images, there's a neighborhood power outage.Bring up default Smugmug uploader on a brand new computer using latest version of Chrome.How difficult is it to do that part right? Now, the upload sequence of events wasn't 100% normal (I'll describe in a bit), but still with duplicate protection on, I have no idea why your uploader would give me 170 dups.
You made some attempts with the latest uploader you released a little while ago, but under stress, it's just chock full of bugs that can make a giant mess. I've been encouraging you to fix this for 6 years now. I simply can't believe you guys can't design a reliable uploader. I will probably have to write a script just to find all the dups and remove them. Now I've got a giant mess to sort out to get rid of all the duplicates. When I'm all said and done, I have 1785 images in the gallery. To summarize, I use the default Smugmug uploader on Chrome. I'm attempting to upload 1615 images to a single gallery (this will be the master gallery from which I make many smart galleries that pull images from this). The Smugmug uploader made a big mess today.